Month: June 2023

Toll to the Troll

Toll to the Troll

Taxes never end.

Everybody talks about it, and nothing ever happens. Why?

While visiting people in retirement homes, one lady told me a story. I found that story hard to fathom. In her time, there was a luxury tax.

The tax assessor would visit and assess a personal property tax on belongings. A full-length mirror was considered a luxury and was taxed accordingly. She would hide it under the bed to ‘cheat’ the government out of their share.

“Their share of what?”

I guess they knew people were hiding the mirrors under the beds and other items deemed a luxury. Since they didn’t have enough prison space to lock up the entirety of the country, they had to devise another plan.

Many tyrants today create new atrocities through stories to divide the tribes. What many refer to as systemic racism is nothing more than tribalism which is inherent in our DNA.

They know this but figure you are too stupid to understand how easily you can be manipulated into electing the fox that will eat you vs. selecting the shepherd who will protect you.

30 years ago, I purchased a house. Nobody helped me come up with the downpayment.

When I left home, I rented a dump I could afford while learning my craft. At night after a long day, I would have to chase the cockroaches off my table before I could eat a can of some concocted chemically laden food that was anything but healthy.

Purchasing day-old products or dented cans, I did what I could to survive. Returning home was never an option I would ever consider.

Why not instant gratification and rent something nicer, which I could have afforded??? So I could, at some point, afford a home. Before Dave Ramsy, I knew how to save money. Not using a credit card as a source of funds was one of the first lessons you must learn.

I worked a day job and then used my craft to start my own business, which kept me working till the wee hours before I had to do it again the next day.

Following the political ambitions of our elected leaders, I often question the process. I ended my career managing several folks and was responsible for million-dollar budgets from corporate America. I stopped being spoon-fed propaganda by the pundits on TV. They are all lying in some form or another. They are paid large sums to ease their conscience (like politicians) to spout damned lies while calling it the news.

At best, it’s yellow journalism…look it up if that term means nothing to you.

On January 6th, a riot in DC turned into a faux insurrection. The tapes released by McCarthy prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that our leaders are lying to us again. I mention this because America was founded on an insurrection.

Rejecting unfair taxes from King Georg’s Stamp Act to tossing tea into the harbor, Americans can only be pushed so far.

No, we will never surrender to the forces of darkness. Today Social media shapes the opinions of the jellyfish, who only know that George Washington was a slaveholder.

When you punch your time card or get up in the morning and drive to work, assuming you are not rolling out of bed and wiggling your mouse, you are a slave. Think about it.

I was once accused of being a whore. In retrospect, were they right? What will you do for money?

I paid off my mortgage when it hit me that between my monthly insurance cost and the property tax and associated fees, those monthly costs add up to more than what my monthly mortgage payment started out as. It’s almost as if I am renting my paid-off home from the government. That must stop.

Since the Golden State has been ruined by Marxist ideologies, Texas and others are flooded with people who voted for the fox. Now they are here and still think George Washington was only a slaveholder.

Universities around the country have instilled Marxism in the minds of the sheep. History is rife with how badly Marxism ends. Still, I guess history isn’t taught any longer as it is counterintuitive to the narrative.

Critical thinking skills are at a complete deficit. The proof is everywhere.

Governor Abbot, stop talking about personal property tax and do something about it. Sign an executive order, and scream at the top of your lungs that we will not take this nonsense any longer.

Why are retired people still forced to pay these incredible taxes?

In a bookstore not long ago, I noticed that familiar yellow and black covered book…’ for dummies’…

Marxism for dummies….’We will drain you dry and then devour you. Signed the fox.’

As a retired person, I spend my time assisting other writers who would like to become published. If you want a good read, please consider buying my book ‘Earth’s Last Hope.’

I aim to spend my ‘golden years’ supplementing my retirement funds with a passive income stream from Amazon… Bwhaaaa   From a 24.95 hardcopy of my book, I get less than $3.00. Since Bezos has a new sweetie, he raised the cost of everything, including the distribution of the e-copy.  


Earth’s Last Hope

Every 396 billion years, all the planets align. Dr. Richards passes off the alignment as just another thing to discuss at NASA until Pluto’s moon is perturbed out of its tidally locked orbit. Discovering the reason for the perturbation sends her off on a quest to learn not what but who is responsible.

1947 was much more than a weather balloon. Samantha Richards discovers that her overbearing father is more than a soldier. Skunkworks is a walk in the park compared to his responsibilities.

When Earth suffers cataclysmic disasters, the president calls on General George Richards to invite his daughter’s uncanny expertise in solving puzzles to make sense of strange anomalies wreaking havoc around the globe.

Reluctantly, the two mend fences, placing all the secrets of AREA 51 and Roswell on the table. The world is in chaos and near extinction when Sam discovers the ‘WHO’ of the equation.

Is it really you?

Is it really you?

It wasn’t that long ago when a star was accused of lip-syncing. The phrase ‘Is it live or is it Memorex’ came into vogue much like Xerox was synonymous with any copy machine.

We have entered a new world with AI.

If a child can instruct AI to create a picture of someone doing something they shouldn’t, what happens if it goes to court? What if a child is angry with their parents, creates a fake picture of them doing something illegal, and then makes a convincing argument that they did it for real?

The problem with AI is that it is much like the Coronavirus; it’s out of the box.

Videos are nothing but a series of pictures. What if that same kid creates a video of his or her parents doing something evil and submits it to some CPS officer?

How about audio, can AI create audio?

What if someone were to create a faux audio of some president doing something illegal?

What if they were to create a video of some president lying in bed being peed on by Russian prostitutes?

If the mere accusation of such a thing just caused an impeachment, what would an actual video of the event cause?

Flip a coin. What if Hunter was set up by the Russians, and all that stuff on his laptop was AI generated by the computer repair person / those who are after Biden?

I am not here to cast dispersions of ill repute on anyone. I am simply asking, ‘What if?’

While we could regulate AI in this country, what about other countries?

What about the megalomaniacs of the world with more money than sense controlling the narrative with AI-generated propaganda?

Some people are stupid. They will believe anything that supports their assumptions and reject anything that diminishes them. The media has ginned up so much hate that people will believe anything supporting their reasons for hatred.

Hate is how they will cause the lemmings to leap from the cliff.

Hate is how Hitler controlled the masses while he exterminated Jewish folks by the millions. Germans turned their backs on their neighbors as a hate campaign was generated against the Jews.

How will the billionaires of the world utilize AI to destroy mankind? How will they use tools like this to convince the masses to give up more of their rights for the promise of safety?

I am afraid the pen is mightier than the sword, and AI will create a new chapter in human history.

Much like splitting the atom, it was used as a weapon before it was used for good. Now that technology is a cudgel.

Do you remember the loony tunes cartoon with Marvin the Martian, Daffy Duck, and Porky Pig holding on to the roots of planet X after they destroyed it?

“I can’t do that, Dave.”

AI needs accountability …period…

Any and all requests should be logged so forensically, allegations can be proven as fake or AI-generated.

Much like forensic data today, there needs to be a trial. Hence, the accused can be vindicated and the perpetrator put in prison.

Pass this suggestion to your representative if you agree.


Check out my forensic detective saga on Reedsy. It’s free…

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