Driving Public Opinion

The media are so corrupt it makes me sick. Today, there is a story about a man ‘who owns a Chick-fil-A’ who drove hundreds of miles to meet some underage girl he met online.

Think about this. We hear it all the time, a white police officer shoots a black guy.

This is NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming, using emotional triggers for either clicks or something more nefarious, like driving public opinion.

In the first story, the author has a bone to pick with Christians, so he mentions the guy owns a Chick-fil-A, which has nothing to do with the fact that he drove hundreds of miles to hook up with an underage person he met online. What he owns has nothing to do with the story other than to create an emotional trigger and to associate terrible behavior with Christians. That, by the way, is evil at work. Why is this reporter attempting to dehumanize Christians?

In the second example, the cop shot a guy who was shooting at him. Do we read that in the story? Maybe several paragraphs down buried several pages in the newspaper where they hide the rest of the story. At first, it’s about creating a false flag that all white cops hunt down black people and shoot them. The purpose is to stir up racial tension, so when you go to the polls and whatever politician the media is flaking for says the number one problem in this country is white supremacy. You remember this story, and you pull the trigger for the guy lying to you.

If someone tweaks your emotions, they are manipulating you. Any time you are pissed at some story, dig a little deeper. Investigate the source, including the reporter. More often than not, it is a ‘journalist’ who has a bone to pick.

Words are powerful, and this person is not a journalist, as journalists are objective…period.


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